Varada1307's Profile

Age: 29

City: Louisville

State/Province: Kentucky

Country: United States

Education: Masters degree

Religion: Hindu

Career: Software Eng/Computer

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

Name: Varun Varadarajan
DOB: 24th Nov 1995
Qualifications: B. Tech (India), MS (US- NCSU)
Age Preference: 21-25 years
Height : 5 ft 10 inches
Birth Star and Rasi - Kettai , Vrichigam
Professional details - software professional
Religious Preference: Any Brahmin knowing Tamil language
Height Preference- 5.2 to 5.9 inches
Gothram - any except Koushika Vishwamithram
Professional Preference - Any graduate or Masters working or studying in US