Rthas76's Profile
Age: 48
City: Abbeytown
State/Province: Cumbria
Country: United Kingdom
Education: High school
Religion: Hindu
Career: Business/Entrepreneur
Marital Status: Separated/Divorced
Profile Rating: 1.45/5
Age: 48
City: Abbeytown
State/Province: Cumbria
Country: United Kingdom
Education: High school
Religion: Hindu
Career: Business/Entrepreneur
Marital Status: Separated/Divorced
Profile Rating: 1.45/5
Be friendly forever.....R Thas wants to marry a Tamil Hindu girl.
I'm separated. Looking to marry a Sri Lankan Hindu Tamil girl. My family is me and 3 sisters. I have 2 children. The bride may be of the same caste, Koviar would be the best. If anyone is interested, then you may speak to my Sister.
Thank you.
The bride should always be kind. She must believe in her husband forever. The bride should be someone who can hold her partner as more than everything, even more than her parents, as I will.
No affairs, or never keep continuing ex contacts.
No arguing person, but she needs to be intelligent to solve problems by the situations. And also support her husband more than her family or anyone as who can believe her husband will come alive together until death.
Who can really believe the husband and wife life is being forever. Who understand the life for living peacefully as it's not to spoil. Who believe herself as she will not marry the status of husband, that she is going to marry her husband's soul as a human being. Who believe she is entering into a man's life as it's herself going to be a main part of his world forever, as it's not man joining in her life as a part. So it's her responsibility to look after her new life more than everything, as the marriage is not only husband and wife relationship such as it's being both families happiness as well. Who believe that she is the energy of new family and she must act as a blood for a body (husband) to activate well the family.
Respect is very important from both sides of families.