sangeetha1990's Profile

Age: 34

City: Nawalapitiya

State/Province: Central

Country: Sri Lanka

Education: Bachelors degree

Religion: Hindu

Career: Education/Academic

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3.83/5

This is for my sister. She is a well educated, kind-hearted person. Very responsible. She is brownish fair and slim. She is a degree holder in Mathematics.

She is presently working as a temporary lecturer in a government university and she plans in progressing further studies and career.

Few words about our family... we are an upper middle class reputed family with moderate and liberal values.

Nuclear but united family. We prefer a groom from a family like ours. The groom and his family must be friendly and accept our family's views. He must be educated and understanding and respect my sister's ideas/views.